Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Keira as Anna

It's solstice and winter always makes me think of Russia, Romance, Royalty sipping champagne and eating toast points with caviar.

I was busy in the summer with travel to Washington, DC [Dave Matthews Band concert staying with friends, shopping at Benetton, service at The National Cathedral] and taking graduate classes, then busy with classes and work this autumn...now it's solstice and I find I am longing to sink my teeth once again into Anna Karenina. It's time and now there is a challenge....

I hear that Keira Knightley has signed on to play Anna in a new movie adaptation of the book. It's always best to read the book before the movie.

So with today being the longest night of the year...snow on the ground...a chill in the air...I shall be curling up with Anna Karenina again this evening to really try to delve into the world of Russian high society, politics, and desire for a life worth living.